The Best of Rage Select 2021 - Part Five
Happy New Year's Eve EVERYONE! We're counting down the seconds until 2022 with Part Five of The Best of Rage Select 2021 starring the amazing Amanda Arias!
First up, someone turned the horniness dial up to ELEVEN and BROKE OFF THE FREAKING KNOB when they came up with the pervy puzzles of HuniePop 2: Double Date!
Next, the long wait is finally over and that means that Amanda and Jeff can get another "lesson" in "love" in Super Seducer 3: The Final Seduction!
To attempt to even describe what's happing in OnlyCans: Thirst Date would be bad enough, but then Amanda and Jeff had to actually go and PLAY the damn thing!
After that, it's a total ARTPOCALYPSE as Amando Picasso and Vincent Van Jeff express their inner ARTISTE in SuchArt: Creative Space!
Finally, if there are any words to describe just what in the DING DANG DONG is happening in Struggling, Amanda and Jeff don't have 'em!