Rage Select Has a Discord Sever!
You're going to want to sit down for this one.
Hey folks, big, big, BIG NEWS here at Rage Select! Now if this were a cooking blog, or a video game blog or, you know, any normal blog, this would be the point where you have to scroll down past eight or nine pages of my life story to find out what the actual news is, but I don't believe in burying the lead, so here it is:
That's right, I finally got off my ass and made a Discord server where we can all hang out and talk about... well so far it's mostly been Back to the Future and Mantis Ladies, but you know, technically it could be ANYTHING! Even a remake of Back to the Future STARRING Mantis Ladies! THE SKY'S THE LIMIT!
Mmmmm... Michael J. Fox head.

But how you ask, HOW does one access this mighty communications tool? The answer, my good friend is easy as Sunday Morning. PATREON! Yep, anyone who's giving $5 or more a month to the Rage Select Patreon now gets auto-magic access to the new Patreon server!
If you join up now you should get a message thanking you for pledging with an option to Connect on Discord. If for some reason, that page gets lost, you should also get an email titled “Here are some benefits to go along with your pledge to…” with the same Connect on Discord link. If you're an existing Patron, head on over to your account settings page and click on the Connect to Discord button.
CONGRATULATIONS! You're now part of the epic elite who can talk directly to us about anything and everything! As an added bonus, you can also delete all of your other social media accounts! Who needs Twitter, when you've got a direct line to Jeff from Rage Select? NO ONE, THAT'S WHO!
What has Instagram ever done for you anyway?

So that's it ladies and germs! Come join us on the new server and let's ring in 2019 the right way! With arguments about loot boxes and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure gifs... the way GOD INTENDED!