The Rage Select Podcast: Episode 427 with Jason and Jeff!
This week on The Rage Select Podcast Jason and Jeff are discussing our favorite stuff from 2021 and answering a buttload of YOUR QUESTIONS!
Dungeon Munchies (The Dojo) Let's Play
It's an ALL YOU CAN EAT monster buffet as Tessa and Jeff get a bad case of the Dungeon Munchies today right here on The Dojo!
Metroid Dread (Sequential Saturday) - Part 11
Matt and Jeff are ATTACKING SOME SCREWS and SCREWING SOME ATTACKS in Part 11 of Metroid Dread right here on SEQUENTIAL SATURDAY!
Beyond a Steel Sky (The Dojo) Let's Play
Tessa and Jeff are killing two birds with one ELECTRIC FENCE today on The Dojo as they puzzle their way through Beyond a Steel Sky!